DCHD Lots for Development

Day County Housing Development is a local nonprofit looking to partner with builders and developers to provide quality, affordable housing opportunities for residents in Day County, SD. 

Let us know you're interested - contact a board member today.

Available Lots in Webster, South Dakota

August 2018  | Southwest Corner

September 2018 | Northwest Corner

Day County Housing Development board seeks developers/individuals/families interested in building housing on one or more lots in Webster, SD.

An alley divides a large, corner space (4 lots located at 201 E 6th Avenue) and a second area (four half lots located at 215 E 6th Avenue).

Contact us for more information and to schedule a visit with the board:

Derek Sinner, President (605) 947-4121
Morgan Dorsett, Vice President (605) 345-6222
Ellen Hesla, Treasurer (605) 345-3306
Peggy Ninke, Secretary (605) 345-3342
Ericka Aldrich
Melissa Waldner
Jalayni Zakrzewski

Available Lots in Waubay, South Dakota

Front lots on Main Street

Front lots on Main Street

Interior lots

Day County Housing Development has 3 Main Street lots and 9 to 11 interior lots available in Waubay, SD. The board seeks developers/individuals/families interested in building housing on one or more lots.
Contact us for more information and to schedule a visit with the board:
Derek Sinner, President (605) 947-4121
Morgan Dorsett, Vice President (605) 345-6222
Ellen Hesla, Treasurer (605) 345-3306
Peggy Ninke, Secretary (605) 345-3342
Ericka Aldrich
Melissa Waldner
Jalayni Zakrzewski